Wednesday, July 1, 2009

hip pain

Causes of Hip Pain:

Noticing a guy at a show wearing the t-shirt of the band playing the show, and feeling embarassed for him, and for yourself for even caring.

Someone with short gelled hair stops to ask you for directions to a mainstream nightclub, and you know the way.

Someone with short gelled hair stops to ask you for directions to a place you described as your 'favorite new bar' last week.

You lose your copy of a 'classic' indie album but don't dare to buy it again cause you'll look like a snot-nosed newbie at the record store.

You go to your family reunion wearing your hippest clothes and your family just thinks you're gay now.

You show up to your new favorite "secret" ethnic restaurant and there is another hipster already there, eating by himself. He pretends not to notice you, but acts overtly friendly to the ethnic waitstaff.